Carbon dioxide emissions

Through the use of renewable energy and the implementation of initiatives meant to reduce energy use, we reduce carbon emissions and, as a result, the impact on climate changes.

In 2014, we reduced carbon dioxide emissions per square meter of construction by 6.4% in Mexico and 0.6% in Central America. Energy efficiency initiatives served to reduce CO2eq by 19,174 tons, comp stores.

Absolute emissions of scope 1 and 2 amounted to 15.8%, an improvement less than our sales floor.

Emissions created by the transportation of merchandise from distribution centers to stores were reduced 9.5%, as compared to 2013, thanks to the consolidation of reverse logistics initiatives. In Central America, the Backhauling initiative has saved 525,873 liters of diesel.

In Mexico we disclosed our carbon emissions to Carbon Disclosure Project platform for third consecutive year.