Shared Value
Walmart’s purpose is to save people money and help them live a better life.
For us there is no distinction between being a responsible citizen and a successful business. We aspire to be the most trusted omnichannel retail chain, so our stakeholders can feel very proud of it.
To achieve this virtuous circle, Walmart - Stakeholders, we require the firm commitment of our leaders to develop skills and new forms of knowledge, as well as dialogue with our stakeholders to consider their needs.
Shared Value creation model
A company of our size - with 238,972 thousand associates, 2,200 millions of customers, 42,224 thousand suppliers, and presence in 675 cities in the region - can and must contribute significantly to sustainable development. This is why we believe in our approach: Shared Value.
Our company has always been a value-based and ethically driven organization, guided by our principles that drive our decisions and leadership.
Each of these actions is aligned with our purpose of saving customers’ money and helping them live a better life, with the vision of contributing to improving the quality of life of families in the region.
We achieve this through our way of working, together with all our stakeholders.
Together, we generate Shared Value to society and the planet to enhance economic, environmental, and social development.
Building this virtuous circle leads us to be the most reliable omnichannel chain, of which we all feel very proud.
ESG priorities
We have defined three strategic pillars for our company
based on our strategic approach and on material issues
for our stakeholders:
We keep our strategy updated through a continuous improvement process and we share our commitments, progress and challenges with all of our stakeholders:
UN Global Compact
We are proud to announce that this year has become an UN Global Compact signatory, strengthening our commitment to take action, operate responsibly in line with the ten principles, and take strategic action in advancing towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Being a member of the United Nations Global Compact helps Walmart de México y Centroamérica to firmly integrate sustainability in its company strategy. As well as providing the right framework for our long-term commitment to responsible and ethical business practices.
Contributing to theSDG
Our priority SDGs
Our Shared Value strategy responds to the global challenges affecting our business and our stakeholders, from inequality and human rights to climate change and food waste.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a focus for how businesses, governments and civil society can tackle these challenges in order to promote a more sustainable future for all.
Walmart de México y Centroamérica contributes in different ways and to different degrees to all the SDGs. In line with UN Global Compact guidance, we have identified the goals that are particularly relevant to us: where expectations, risks and opportunities for the company are bigger, and where we can make the most significant contribution.