The challenges faced in the world today -climate change, biodiversity losses, economic inequality- among others, have led us to rethink our role and the impact we have on the planet. In sustainability, we have made considerable progress aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and improving the life of people. However, we are convinced we can do even more.
While the size of our Company entails great responsibility, it also means the opportunity of using our scale for good. Therefore, we have extended our ambition to becoming a regenerative company by 2040.
We are on the path to becoming a regenerative company, where nature and humanity are at the center of all our business practices
Being a regenerative company means going beyond simple compliance and doing what is right to have a positive socioeconomic and environmental impact that contributes to recovering the health and well-being of people, communities, and the planet, creating shared value for our stakeholders and, therefore, for our business
As a leading company in omnichannel, we have an enormous opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people, communities, and the planet
Our shared value approach is guided by our purpose of saving time and money for our customers and helping them to live better. We work under the highest standards of integrity and in strict adherence to our principles and values.
Our business model contributes towards improving the quality of life of the families in the region, offering reliable products, promoting the creation of direct and formal employment, fostering economic mobility, innovation, savings, and productivity within an environment of sustainable growth.
By generating economic, social and environmental value, we favor well-being for our stakeholders and become a regenerative company that makes the world a better place.
Transcendental changes have occurred in recent years, both around us and within our Company. One the one hand is the COVID-19 pandemic that has brought about major transformations in topics related to health and safety, economic stability, and supply chains. On the other, we have acquired new and more ambitious commitments to Sustainability, and the most important one is that of becoming a regenerative company.
Given this situation, this year we decided to update our materiality analysis; we have been performing this exercise since 2009, proof of the constant dialogue we have with our stakeholders to obtain firsthand information on their expectations regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
2021 materiality analysis reflects those topics which have growing importance for our stakeholders and for the Company
The following steps are conducted to perform the materiality analysis:
a. Benchmarks were established with eCommerce and retail sectors to determine material topics for said industries
b. Internal and external studies were conducted to material topics for our stakeholders, such as customer and supplier satisfaction studies, associate engagement surveys, studies of the most important ESG evaluators worldwide
c. We obtained a preliminary list of topics that were classified under six pillars: customers, communities, the environment, supply chains, associates, and governance
a. Our stakeholders were defined according to the importance of each one for our Company: customers, shareholders, suppliers, associates, communities, the planet, and commercial partners. Also, due to the importance of each one, the Regenerative Committee decided to include the government and unions in the analysis.
b. Dialogue: Consultation with our stakeholders took place in two phases:
Qualitative: 9 group sessions online:
- 1 group session with staff associates
- 1 group session with operations associates
- 1 group session with suppliers
- 1 group session with opinion leaders
- 1 group session with NGOs
- 4 group sessions with customers
This stage allowed us to become directly familiar with the material topics of each of our stakeholders, with the purpose of finding out about their level of involvement with ESG topics, and then being able to design strategies and improve communication with them
Quantitative: 6,333 online surveys in Mexico and Central America.
- This stage permitted us to become familiar with the importance and priorities assigned by our stakeholders to topics suggested in the materiality analysis, thus being able to supplement the exercise and define the material subjects of the Company
A validation session was conducted with the Committee to obtain the final list of material topics and the materiality matrix.
Convenient access to affordable, trustable and sustainable products and services
Resources to build stronger, more inclusive communities
Superior long-term returns through financial and ESG leadership
Career opportunities and safe and inclusive work environments
Access to markets and ability to accelerate supply chain sustainability
Leadership to preserve, restore and regenerate the planet
Strategic alliances for strengthening ecosystem
Based on the results obtained from our materiality analysis, we identified the material ESG topics
for the Company and for our stakeholders as well as risks and opportunities. That served as the basis for implementing action plans to improve our performance.
Click on each topic or pillar to know more:
Material Topics
1. Sustainable sourcing and packaging
2. Risk management in operations and in supply chain
3. Emissions and Climate Change
4. Investment in local communities
5. Corporate Governance
6. Waste management
7. Food Safety
8. Talent attraction, development, and retention
9. Product prices and availability
10. Supply chain evaluation
11. Fighting hunger
Relevant Topics
12. Human Rights
13. Inclusive Supplier Development
14. Diversity and Inclusion
15. Work-Life Balance
16. Energy
17. Anticorruption
18. Equal Pay
19. Support in natural disasters
20. Occupational health and safety
21. Responsible marketing and labeling
22. Customer/member satisfaction and experience
Important Topics
23. Healthy products
24. Ethical behavior
25. Information security
26. Privacy
27. Water
28. Volunteerism
29. Freedom of association
30. Animal welfare
As signees of the United Nations Sustainability Goals in 2019, and in keeping with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, at Walmart de México y Centroamérica we contribute in different ways and to a different extent to all the SDGs.
Through our ESG priorities, we respond to global challenges that affect our business and our stakeholders, such as inequality and human rights, climate change, and food waste.
In line with the 10 Principles of the Global Compact, in 2019 we performed an analysis to identify the five priority SDGs: good health and wellbeing, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible production and consumption, and climate action.
As of 2020, we incorporated indicators with annuals measurement records for each of the SDGs, enabling us to track our compliance; in this manner we can detect where the greatest expectations, risks, and opportunities for the company can be found, as well as those areas where we are having a more significant contribution. This annual record has data beginning in 2017.