
Our customers are increasingly interested in knowing the origin of the products bought, what they contain, and how they are produced.

We conduct rigorous reviews of our supply chain so as to generate and maintain the trust of our customers in the food we sell. In Mexico we have reinforced our Food Safety Program, including the Prevention of Food-Related Fraud, through outside analysis by laboratories accredited in:

  • Identifying raw materials in meat and cooking products, with a total of 288 tests conducted.
  • Verifying the integrity of Our Brands ingredients, such as honey, milk, olive oil, 100% natural juices, and coffee; with a total of 49 tests conducted.
  • Validating certificates for products sold as organic, accrediting a total of 300 products.

A total of 96% in Mexico and 55% in Central America of Our Brands suppliers are certified in norms acknowledged by the GFSI -Global Food Safety Initiative- a worldwide accepted food safety management system. Some 175 businesses in Mexico currently have the H Certificate issued by the Secretary of Tourism to those establishments that accredit compliance with good practices in food preparation and serving hygiene.

Labeling G4-PR3

Our customers need accurate information regarding the impact of products and services so as to make fundamental decisions regarding purchases and so product availability reflects their preferences. Providing information and proper labeling regarding impact is our responsibility.

Our Brands information in Mexico undergoes review and validation by Legal, Product Safety and Quality. During 2016, some 1,762 labels were analyzed, of which 656 were for medical products, and 1,106 for general merchandise, validating the following:

  • The origin of product or service components.
  • Content, especially pertaining to substances that can cause environmental or social impacts.
  • Product or service safety instructions.
  • Product elimination and environmental or social impact.

In Central America we provided continuity regarding monitoring, advice, and training in labeling requirements by product category and by country, including Our Brands. We created labeling guidelines for easy identification and use.

Commercial agreements executed with suppliers include the obligation of complying with regulations. Moreover, Food Safety and Product Safety randomly checks Our Brands in the distribution centers, to validate labeling information.

Regarding non-compliance with regulations governing marketing communication and advertising, in Mexico there were 176 issues stemming from the lack of information in advertising materials, which were rectified immediately. When necessary, evidence was filed with the Mexican Consumer Protection Agency -Profeco- in addition to paying a total of 22 fines concerning advertising in general. There were no cases reported in Central America. Compliance continuously trains key areas and sends communiques to stores to remind them of the comparative advertising guidelines, among others. G4-PR7

In 2016, we received no significant fines due to non- compliance with regulations governing the supply and use of products and services in the region. G4-PR9

Pursuant to requirements set forth by the OFAC -Office of Foreign Assets Control- in Central America we declare the marketing of any product originating from any of the countries included in the sanction lists. G4-PR6