This was the first year that we implemented the policy on the buying process for fishery and aquacultural products, as published in 2015. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, our partner for this project, offered the first training workshop for suppliers. Throughout this year, fishery operations and farms producing the products with which we are supplied were analyzed. Some 68% suppliers have reported the status of the certification of the species they supply us, of which 8% of the tons purchased are certified as sustainable.
We currently have 1,662 products with reduced environmental impact during one or more of their life cycles. Most of them are biodegradable with 35%; followed by organic or hydroponic, some 30%; 22% for energy and water savers; and 11% for those with enhanced or recycled packages.
In Mexico, 81% of the cardboard used for product packaging, 5% of shrink wrap and 0.8% of clothes hangers are recycled. G4-EN28
We are the only self-service company in Mexico that is a member of the supply chain Carbon Disclosure Project, through which we provide our suppliers with a report on their carbon emissions and subsequent analysis of risks and opportunities by sector. The emissions for 2015 were reported in 2016. Of the 315 suppliers asked to report their emissions, 154 answered the survey. A total of two million tons of C02eq emissions were reported.
We promoted the creation of the Alliance for Central American sustainability, supported by 23 local and global suppliers, with the purpose of collaboration among all for Sustainability initiatives with the different companies, thus representing a tangible value recognized by our consumers. With the cooperation of agencies such as the Central American Institute for Business Management, and the Central American Leadership Initiative the group was able to define its governance and priority actions.