In Mexico, Corporate Responsibility reports to the VP for Corporate Affairs. In Central America, it reports to the Managing Director of Central America. Overall strategies are reviewed with the Committee for Corporate Responsibility, which consists of the Company’s Executive Vice Presidents in conjunction with the key areas of the Company; the strategies are conveyed to the Board of Directors. Moreover, the Committee establishes the action plans, indicators, and policies and procedures, all of which are fundamental to involving everyone in building a Company whose Corporate Responsibility is increasingly stronger and which honors the commitment of doing the right thing always in social, environmental and governance issues.

Corporate Responsibility is aimed at:

  1. Involving top management in the scope of proposed objectives, analyzing challenges, defining plans, and leading the initiative to generate value
  2. Establishing a long-term vision and strategic priorities based on what is good for our customers, good for the business, and good for society
  3. Supporting the consolidation of structural changes, policies, and procedures
  4. Identifying internal opportunities to improve our performance and lead our Company towards domestic and international trends that will maintain our leadership position