We continuously promote a culture of accident prevention, involving all our associates.

At Walmart de México y Centroamérica we are not exempt from risks and accidents on the job.

The primary pillars for our actions and programs are those centering around communication, training, and continuous improvement of our governing policies and procedures. With this we can guarantee the realization of a series of preventive measures aimed at creating safer places for everyone to shop and work.

Each country where we operate has its own Health & Safety Committee, whose duties include overseeing occupational health, safety, and hygiene for our associates and customers alike, and protecting the working conditions of our people, pursuant to applicable legislation. G4-LA5

We have developed accident prevention programs that incorporate all safety measures and actions that all our associates must apply.

They serve to identify and handle the more frequent injuries that stem from customer and associate-related accidents in our different formats and in this way, through simpler actions, controls are established to combat the primary causes of these accidents.

A body of experts in safety and hygiene conduct constant audits of the different business units to detect and create action plans that will cover the needs found in our businesses. We also document best practices being followed in our different units, and we investigate the causes of accidents that take place so we can prevent repeating them.

Our associates receive digital and classroom training in different fields of safety, such as On-the-Job Health and Safety, Civil Protection, and Emergency Brigades.

Special attention is paid to those associates whose job implies a higher risk of accidents or illness, like the case of maintenance and first-aid brigade associates who could come into contact with biological wastes; display personnel who could be affected by exposure to solvents; and distribution centers associates exposed to hazardous liquids, such as ammonia. G4-LA7